Pregnancy-related moodiness
Some of the most well-known pregnancy clichés refer to a woman’s emotion and sensitivity, and so moodiness has become synonymous with most things pregnancy-related.
We know that the state of pregnancy releases the hormones estrogen and progesterone. But, did you know that a woman will produce more estrogen during one pregnancy than throughout her entire life when not she’s pregnant? That’s an incredibly major physiological change in a relatively short amount of time. And, as such, it influences moods. Sensitivity, tearfulness, even irritation and general moodiness are very common during pregnancy.
Also, let’s not forget about fatigue. Some people are crabby when they are tired and, understandably, an expecting woman is really tired a lot of the time. Her metabolism has changed. Bodily functions have been affected. She has a lot of reason to be moody! So, all of this is quite normal, in fact it’s expected.
Pair this with her mental load, be it taking care of the older children, running a household and working a full-time, or even part-time, job or all of the above and you have the recipe for aggravated stress!
It is important to realize, though, that some amount of stress and sensitivity is normal. However, it is only when you begin to feel overwhelmed by it all, to an extent where you find it difficult to function, or where your moods are having an adverse effect in the home environment, that you might consider getting a check up.
If you feel that you’ve been having more bad days than good, if you feel that your low mood has over stayed its welcome, then it could be time to talk to someone about how you are feeling… Your doctor (GP or OBGYN), your doula, a counselor who specializes in perinatal mental health.
Most important, though, is to know that you’re not alone and help is at hand.
Stay well, inside and out
Waheeda, a.k.a Waydi
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