Self Love
Winning blog post – SA Parenting Blog Awards 2022 – Category: Health & Wellness
Self love definition
Self-love is the concept of maintaining a high regard for oneself, and prioritising one’s own wellbeing. White it may seem like a selfish concept to begin with, it must not be forgotten that being in-tune with oneself, being content with where one is and what one does, and loving oneself as one is are key to finding joy.
Think back to the last major struggle you overcame. What was the final straw for you? At which point did you put yourself first? For most people, self-love is the final step. It manifests in dire straits, if at all, only after the anxiety or depression has set in. For many, it does not manifest at all and we fall into the abyss of self-pity.
So, what needs to change? How does one go about loving oneself and putting oneself first, without seeming selfish? I have listed ten ways below, but I am certain that once you get into the correct mindset, you will find more ways that work within your own worldview.

How to practise self love
Need more? These 13 habits of self-love should be for you.
1. Be kind to yourself
You have been through a lot and you have a lot to celebrate. Be kind to yourself. Speak positively about yourself and step back from those who have come into the habit of speaking negatively about you. Put yourself first.
2. Allow yourself to FEEL
Embrace your emotions, whatever they are. Then work through the positive ones and learn from the negative ones. Pay attention to the triggers that pull you down into the negative spiral.
3. Trust yourself
There is no-one out here that is you-er than YOU. You have your own best interests at heart. You know YOU best, so trust yourself when it comes to you. Ask for advice, sift through the suggestions and do what works for YOU.
4. Process your phobias
What’s holding you back from being where you want to be? You may find that the answer is YOU. Process your fears and anxieties, stop procrastinating and set forth to achieve whatever it is you want.
5. Embrace your mistakes – learn from them and move on
Show me one person who has never made a mistake, and I’ll show you a unicorn. Accept your mistakes, apologise if you need to, learn from that and move on. Dwelling on your mistake is as useful as solving a maths problem by picking your teeth!
6. Leave others to their own opinions
Everyone has something to say, and that’s their right. However, their opinions are their own. Don’t give anyone the power to control your emotions. Their opinions end where your care begins. Step back, regroup and move on.
7. Don’t compare yourself to others
This is the most futile, joy-sucking exercise you can waste your time on! Stop doing that. You have your own goals, and you have your own timeline. Be unique, be mysterious, be truly YOU.
8. Love yourself as you are
Look at yourself in the mirror. This is the package you come in. Accept it. Make minor adjustments in your grooming routine, but be happy with what you are. Smile and stand tall, because this is the package that will change the world!
9. Step back from the people or situations that dull your joy
Not everyone takes care of the responsibility they have of putting only good out into the world. If there is someone who is bringing negativity into your life, consider stepping back, or cutting them out. Liberate yourself by not being so available to them. Embrace the pain that may come and use it to build a better tribe.
10. Be courageous
Nothing good comes from sitting back. It is sometimes better to try and fail, than fail to try. I have read that it takes just twenty seconds of courage to make a difference in your life. Plan what you need to do and JUST DO IT.

You don’t need to feel particularly powerful at all times in order to love yourself. Just think about all you have done, how far you have come, how you survived. Being here, right now, is all that you need. Self-love does not happen overnight and it does not stick with you effortlessly. You have to work on it and, with time, it will settle itself into your heart. Be patient with yourself, be consistent in your mindset and, pretty soon, you will be in love with YOU.
Affirmations for self love
- I love who I am; I love who I am becoming
- Each day, in every way, I am better and better
- I trust myself to make the best choices for me
Stay well, inside and out
Waheeda, a.k.a Waydi
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Nine has been one of the toughest ones for me… but it’s so important to set those boundaries and sometimes to walk away.