
How Should Parents Respond to Their Child’s School Report?

As the school year wraps up, the arrival of school reports often brings with it a mix of emotions for both parents and children. Whether your child’s grades were exceptional, average, or disappointing, the way you respond can set the tone for their future academic journey and emotional well-being. I recently had the privilege of…

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Book Review: How to be a Single Muslim Mum” by Samar Asamoah

I was honoured when Sister Samar Asamoah from Niqabi Diaries Podcast included me as an Advanced Reader for her new book, How to be a Single Muslim Mum. Although the topic itself is not directly relevant to me, reading this book offered me a beautiful perspective on the challenges and triumphs faced by single Muslim…

The Power of Patience: Islamic Insights for Parenting in a Hasty World

In a world where instant gratification seems to be the norm, teaching patience has become an essential life skill. The younger generations, in particular, have grown up in an age of smartphones, fast food, and on-demand streaming, making patience a rare virtue. But as parents and teachers, we can play a crucial role in helping…

How to boost confidence in children

How to boost confidence and build motivation in school-going children

Teachers have a tough(er) job, these days, competing with more outside influences than any generation before them. It is becoming more and more challenging to keep attention and motivate learners in and out of the classroom. Boosting confidence and motivation in school-going children is crucial for their overall academic success and personal development. When learners…

How to deal with children who perform poorly at school

Undeniably, the role of parenting becomes more challenging as children grow. One of the more difficult tasks is helping your child deal with failure. Early on a Sunday morning, before the holiday rush, on 18 December 2022 I chatted to Brother Faizal Suleman on CII regarding how to deal with children who don’t make the…


The Ups and Downs of Perinatal Mental Health

In essence, roughly 30% of a baby’s most critical days for optimal development lies within the most emotionally taxing days of its mother’s life. Perinatal refers to the time during pregnancy and the postpartum period and, as such, spans approximately one year. There is no time in the life of the adult human that one’s…


6 postnatal care tips for new and experienced mums

When it comes to postnatal care, not enough can be written about it. Whether it’s from well-meaning friends and family or from online forums or podcasts, everyone has an opinion about what you can do to make it better for you. This post covers six tips that, on hindsight, I found worked for me during…


Postnatal Mental and Physical Health Tracker + Podcast

Those who know me, know that I am quite vocal about mental health during the postpartum period. I draw on my own experiences and talk about it as a way to: This post includes: The podcast is available on Anchor.fm here, on Shopify here and also on my Instagram IGTV and on YouTube here. Please…