Teachers are like candles
I wrote this poem about a lovely lady (a colleague) who, in her own quiet way, has made a tremendous impact on my life. The poem was read aloud to her on the occasion of her retirement. A laminated copy of it was given to her. Her learners had written their names on tiny cutout ‘flames’ and those flames were pasted on candelabras which bordered the poem.
Teachers are like candles
by Waheeda Joosab
Teachers are like candles –
So luminous and bright.
Their flames can flicker and waiver
But they still shine with all their might.
Teachers’ flames are generous –
They share themselves each year,
Even though some children
Are not really so eager!
These flames that teachers carry
First light up wondrous eyes.
Then these flames keep burning
As their little minds grow wise.
When you find your glow is fading,
Find a fellow teacher who
Will share her light with all her might
So again you become the best You.
– Waheeda Joosab –
Stay well, inside and out
Waheeda, a.k.a Waydi
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